IntelliJ is my favorite IDE, but when I started developing SpringBoot applications in it, I was struggling with the constant restarts that I had to do after some change on the code. Even after adding the Spring Boot DevTools, as shown below:
Then after some research I’ve got the solution. In this article I will describe the steps to enable DevTools on IntelliJ and make your life easier while developing Spring Boot applications.
- Go to Help > Find Action… (or press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-/ on Windows or Cmd-Shift-A on MacOs)
- Type reg, then selecte “Registry” from the menu that appears (as shown below)

Select the checkbox on property (as shown below)

Remember that you shoud also add Spring DevTools as a dependency. This module provides the following features:
- Property Defaults
- Automatic Restart
- LiveReload
- Remote Debug Tunneling
- Remote Update and Restart
For more details about each functionality, please visit here.
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