Distributed systems are complex and challenging, and there are many fallacies that can arise when building and operating them. Here are eight of the most common fallacies:
- The network is reliable: One of the most common fallacies is that the network is always available and reliable. In reality, networks are prone to failure, congestion, and delays.
- Latency is zero: Another fallacy is that latency is always zero. This is not true, as network delays, data processing, and other factors can all introduce latency.
- Bandwidth is infinite: Similarly, many people believe that bandwidth is infinite and will not be a bottleneck. In reality, bandwidth is limited and can become a bottleneck, especially in high-traffic situations.
- The network is secure: Security is a major concern in distributed systems, and many people believe that the network is inherently secure. However, networks are often vulnerable to attack, and security measures must be put in place to protect against threats.
- Topology doesn’t change: Many people assume that the topology of a network will never change, but this is not always the case. Networks can change due to failures, reconfigurations, and other factors, which can impact the performance and reliability of the system.
- There is only one administrator: Another fallacy is that there is only one administrator responsible for the system. In reality, distributed systems often have multiple administrators, each with different responsibilities and levels of access.
- Transport cost is zero: Some people believe that the cost of transporting data between nodes is zero, but this is not always the case. The cost of transportation can vary depending on the distance, bandwidth, and other factors.
- The network is homogeneous: Finally, many people believe that all nodes in a distributed system are identical and behave in the same way. In reality, nodes can have different capabilities, configurations, and other factors that can impact the performance of the system.
In conclusion, these fallacies can lead to significant issues when building and operating distributed systems. It is important to be aware of these fallacies and to take steps to mitigate their impact on your system.
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